Komatsu & TankZilla
A double bill, riffs galore with a majestic groove and trucking ruckus! Two machines turned into
monsters wreaking havoc on stage! Straight from Eindhoven, Netherlands comes a tandem of
heaviness to tear down your favorite venue and turn it into a wasteland parking lot. It’s the stoner
rocking, sludge motherfuzzing, rock’n rolling, hard and heavy duo of Komatsu and TankZilla!
Komatsu was formed in 2010 and has since then grown into an automaton of gigantic proportions.
Sharing stages with all the greats and everything legendary, the recently reduced to three, delivered
four full-sized albums and is working on number five. Their trademark grinding, quaking tone and
turbulent low end will crumble walls and their machinal fuzzed out sludge and stoner turns every
groove into something gargantuan.
TankZilla is a two-headed beast, sporting the ugly mug of Peter van Elderen of Peter Pan Speedrock,
Repomen and Firehorse on one side and the dubious look of Marcin Hurkmans from Wolfskop and
Isle Of Man on the other. They released their debut self-titled album earlier this year through Heavy
Psych Sounds. Drums and guitar so loud and intense, it sounds like they’re on a rampage through
your city. Mass extinction on the grooviest of levels!
Windows will shatter, foundations will crack, TankZilla is a duo and together with the Komatsu three
it’s a heavy rocking double bill attack!